Iron Cowboy Training Bundle

Iron Cowboy Training Bundle


100 Triathlons in 100 days. That kind of wear and tear on your body makes recovery absolutely critical. We are incredibly excited to partner with the Iron Cowboy, James Lawrence as he takes on his Conquer 100 challenge. 

As part of our partnership, James has built a special bundle to give you a chance to experience the recovery power of our Blacktop Plus line of products. Though you may not be completing a daily triathlon, our line of recovery focused products will help you keep going, no matter what your current challenge may be.

As part of the Conquer 100 Challenge, James has partnered with Operation Underground Railroad and we want to help. 10% of our profits from any purchase of this bundle will be donated to Operation Underground Railroad to help in the fight against human trafficking. 

Bundle Value: $30.97

You Pay: $27.87 - Save an Additional 10% with James' Discount Code


As part of this bundle you get: 

  • You Choose 2 Packs of Blacktop Plus Kinesiology Cut Shapes
  • 2" X 200"  Uncut Roll of Blacktop Tape - Designed for customizable taping applications.

Meet our Pre-Engineered Shapes:

  • Blacktop Shape 2 - Designed for knee and elbow support.
  • Blacktop Shape 3 - Designed for shoulders, back/neck, groin, and arm muscle support.
  • Blacktop Shape 7 - Designed for hand/wrist support, plantar fasciitis, and general swelling.